On the eve of their exodus from Egypt and in anticipation of the plague of the firstborn the Jews in Egypt were commanded to take a sheep or goat for every family, roast it without breaking any bones, and eat it hurriedly because they would soon be leaving Egypt. The blood of the animal was applied to the lintel and on the doorposts of the home to protect the Jewish people from the destroying angel wreaking G-d's punishment on the Egyptians, and to symbolize that the Jews do not worship animal gods, but rather dedicate their lives with self scarifice to Hashem.

In subsequent Passovers, the Jews were commanded to fulfill the Korban Pesach as they did in Egypt except in a more leisurely fashion. They were to eat the sacrifice together with friends and family, and finish eating it by morning.

This commandment is obligatory for men, women and children. It is even possible for groups of women to perform the commandment together. Once the Temple was built and became the focus of Jewish worship, the Korban Pesach was performed in Jerusalem. The various quorums who ate the Korban in unison performed their obligation to the accompaniment of the Levites singing the Hallel in praise of Hashem's mercies.


"The Korban Pesach symbolizes that the Jews do not worship animal gods but rather dedicate their lives to Hashem with mesiros nefesh."

"Though the entire nation offered the Korban Pesach, each group was composed of family and friends, insuring that Jewish unity would not swallow up personality and individuality."

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Korban Pesach Committee of the Sanhedrin Initiative